Hut opening period

from mid May to October 20 approximately
from Christmas to Easter

from approximately October 20 to Christmas
& from Easter to mid May

Kitchen hours

11:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (summer)
11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.* (winter)

Low season: Thursday day off

* Extended opening hours for guests staying here.



Hosts & history

Built with passion.
Operated with love.

Come in, sit down, and enjoy all the details: the view, food, hospitality, and unspoiled nature found here in the Three Peaks Nature Park.

Maria, Armin, Julia and the entire team can not wait to welcome you to the Talschlusshütte hut in Sexten!

Talschlusshütte - how it all beganHost family

A dive into the past: Once upon a time …

1952 Siegfried Villgrater, who would later become the host of the Talschlusshütte hut, falls in love with this area while working as a young shepherd in the Fiscalina Valley.

1953 In May, a small refreshment point is built where the Talschlusshütte hut now stands. The bedrooms and kitchen are added in the autumn of the same year.

1958 Anton and Siegfried Villgrater apply to obtain private ownership, and become the owners of the refreshment point. Their first initiative is to install a drinking water piping system. By hand, they dig a trench from a spring to the building, a distance of 300 meters.

1960 Rosa, who is not a Villgrater yet, comes to work in the Fiscalina Valley.

1961 Siegfried Villgrater and Rosa meet and fall in love - and then they get married.

1962 Herbert, the first of four children and the current owner of the Talschlusshütte hut is born.

1963 The business grows rapidly. Towards the end of the sixties it is so well established that almost 200 cars can be seen in the parking lot at one time.

1971 The Fiscalina Valley is closed to traffic, camp grounds and tents are forbidden. Unfortunately, what is beneficial to nature is often detrimental to human activities: at first the local people, used to directly getting to the Talschlusshütte hut by car, stopped coming here.

1974 Siegfried Villgrater purchases 608 m² of land to enlarge the mountain hut. The purchase is followed by a long bureaucratic ordeal until finally …

1977 … works are carried out and the mountain hut is inaugurated.

1983 The Sexten Dolomites Nature Park is established.

1993 The hut is equipped with a telephone line and sewer; the generator, which is not environmentally friendly, is replaced with a power line from the town.

1995 Siegfried Villgrater, long-time manager of the Talschlusshütte hut, dies.

1998 Herbert Villgrater marries Maria, waitress at the Talschlusshütte hut since 1986. Armin and Julia are born.

2002 In autumn, the spring water supply system is upgraded to meet modern standards; meantime, the foundations of the mountain hut are laid.

2003 On March 17, the old Talschlusshütte hut is demolished. The expertise of architect Bernhard Lösch and the excellent coordination of the Unionbau firm, which supervises the construction work, make sure that the everything proceeds quickly and efficiently. After only three months, on June 21, the new Talschlusshütte is inaugurated. The event is duly celebrated on October 12, with the inauguration ceremony and the celebration of the 50th anniversary of an inn that meantime has become an integral part of the Fiscalina Valley.

2004 On 19th August with heavy hearts we say goodbye to the hut-keeper, Herbert Villgrater, who passed away after a short illness.

2007 On the morning of 12th October, a massive rock fall from the Einserkofel causes 60,000 m3 of scree to pour down into the Fiscalina Valley, covering the entire valley in a thick cloud of dust.
Click here to see a video of the event:

2008/09 … is a particularly snowy winter, with approximately 6 metres of new snow falling in the Fiscalina Valley.

2009 On 26th June 2009 in Seville, UNESCO gives the Dolomites the World Heritage Site status.

2010 The regional government approves the nature park’s request to change its name from the "Sexten Dolomites Nature Park" to the "Three Peaks Nature Park”.

2016 On March 7th, after days of thick snowfalls, an impressive avalanche comes down from the Elferscharte/Forcella Undici to the Talschlusshütte hut. The Fiscalina Valley is closed for several days.



We look forward to you!
